The University School - CO

by Aware3, LLC



This app is used for internal communication for The University School. Parents, students, and staff will be able to get alerts for events, snow days, and other important information. Use the app to check grades, lesson plans, calendar events, and watch videos. The University School (USCO), a  Christian Private School in Colorado Springs, exists to ignite a passion for Jesus. USCO provides Christian education for Preschool age, elementary, middle school, and High School students. The University School connects the strength of private education with the impact of family involvement by implementing three on-campus days and two at-home days.With thriving and established outdoor Adventure and Theater programs, The University School is set apart from typical private education; focusing on the core values of worship, academics, missions, leadership, and adventure. The University School –– where students are prepared for college, the workforce, and led on the adventure of following Jesus.